Inner Discovery supports you in having deeper self understanding and more ease in your day-to-day life. This program helps you slow down your daily interactions to catch your blind spots; this creates exponential growth and lasting change.

March 10, 2024 - May 15, 2024

Is this YOU?

  • Do you sometimes feel trapped by the expectations and roles you play in life?

  • Do you find yourself escaping, looking for freedom, but actually getting caught in distractions?

  • Are you craving more stability, clarity and peace in your life?

If your answer is YES to any of those questions, our Inner Discovery Program is for you.

Without consciously realizing it we all form a sense of who we are, an identity-based in part on our childhood conditioning. We form beliefs about what to do to be good enough, how to get along with others, and what it means to be successful. Ultimately the conditioning people received early in life becomes too restrictive and often painful. This early conditioning was necessary but for those who want transformation, the journey is to move beyond it.

The Inner Discovery program is a deep dive into your conditioning so you will be able to move beyond it. With this understanding, you will be able to break out of the “ruts” you’ve been living in, and open the door to a more expansive life of possibilities. Our passion is to provide powerful information, broken into bite-size pieces that can be integrated on a daily basis, building your confidence and resilience. This is the foundation for great relationships, leadership, and contribution.

Here are some key concepts this program covers:

  • Why your early conditioning is unconsciously undermining you and your relationships

  • The hidden needs that are dictating your decisions behind everything you do

  • Get yourself laser insights into how you are currently, dealing with and “doing life”.

  • How to build a mindset to maximize your capacity to experience joy – everyday!

Our Process

Weekly schedule, exercises & learning videos.

  • Every Sunday

    2.5-hour online teaching session on Zoom from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm PT

  • Every Wednesday

    1-hour online Q&A Integration Session from 6:30pm - 7:30pm PT

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to The Discovery Program!

    2. Out of Balance Doodle Video

    3. Growth & Stuck Triangles

    4. Pre-Program Benchmark Questionnaire

    1. Who Am I? - The Identiy Continuum and 3 stages of Constructed Identity - Teaching Session

    2. Who Am I - Weekly Highlight Video

    3. Q&A Week 1, Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024

    1. External Mindset Teaching session

    2. External Mindset - Weekly Highlight Video

    3. Q&A Week 2, Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024

    1. Internal Mindset Teaching Session

    2. Internal Mindset - Weekly Highlight Video

    3. Q&A Week 3, Wednesday, April 10, 2024

    1. Psychological Needs - Our Genetic Instructions - Teaching Session

    2. Psychological Needs - Weekly Highlight Video

    3. Q&A Week 4, Wednesday, April 17, 2024

    1. Total Behaviour - Teaching Session

    2. Why Do We Behave The Way We Do? (Doodle video)

    3. Behaviour - Weekly Hightlight Video

    4. Are You Letting Circumstances Create Your Feelings? - Dr.Joe Dispenza

    5. Triggered? - Dr.Gabor Mate

    6. Q&A Week 5, Wednesday, April 24, 2024

About this course

  • $949.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 21.5 hours of video content

Join us on the journey of creating your best life